Peer Leaders
Current 7th graders--Want to be a Peer Leader in 8th grade?
NEWS on how to apply online coming out this WEEK the First full Week of May for 8th graders!!!!

Millburn Middle School Peer Leader Groups
Future Peer Leaders are selected into one of the following specializations:
MOGS Mentors Of Grade Six work directly with the 6th graders throughout the year. We are very excited to create a new MOGS group! This group will rotate through 2 semesters for the year that involve C-Day(once a week) Fun-day Organizers, Rent a MOG & Teachable Moment Leaders. All MOGS will lead discussions and activities geared toward awareness and understanding of social relationships and pressures. Participation involves time during study hall and lunch. Students should possess strong interpersonal skills, creativity and a genuine interest in helping others. These programs deal primarily with bullying, middle school orientation, class work and collaborative themes. |
SPORT Students Promoting Off Road Training main focus will be to use physical and mental exercise to promote a healthy middle school life. Examples of past activities include: promoting a school wide healthy living pledge, running in a 5K for charity, coordinating a backyard physical challenge and organizing a March Madness basketball tournament. SPORT has also traveled with BOLT to cheer on athletes at the Special Olympics and entered a team in the annual Student-Faculty Volleyball game. SPORT has also made short films on the Peer Leader Instagram page, reminding people to exercise during the food-heavy Thanksgiving weekend. Potential "Sportsters" should possess excellent leadership skills and a genuine desire to get out and “#KeepMoving!” |
STEAM Student Techs Educate And Mentor. We will focus on enriching the Millburn Middle School using Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEAM peer leaders will work together with their mentor to design, plan, and implement STEAMinars, or challenge based learning experiences, for their peers to engage in. In the past, we have also organized Esports competitions, Python Coding Workshops, and a Baking Championship. STEAM peer leaders should have a passion for STEAM education, engineering / design challenges, and have a desire to work to create and lead awesome projects. Most importantly, STEAM peer leaders must be outgoing, willing to try new things, and have the desire to to share their passion for STEAM education with others. |
PLOP The Peer Leader Outreach Program’s responsibilities include community service, addressing the interests and concerns of worldwide issues that affect the wellbeing of people internationally, domestically, and within the MMS community, and raising funds for various charities. Some PLOP endeavors include the longstanding MMS Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit a local food bank and the Thanksgiving Assemblies. PLOP organizes the Trick or Treat UNICEF Campaign, the Halloween Candy-grams to benefit HEIFER, the December Operation Smile Campaign, and the February Candy Sale to benefit HEIFER. Students should possess strong organizational and public speaking skills as well as a willingness to roll up their sleeves and dive into fundraising work! |
MASH Machine and Software Helpers are the school’s backbone for technology support and knowledge.. They fix the various devices throughout the building as well as help organize the utilization of many technology tools at our disposal! They also teach tech workshops on different programs and resources as well. This hardworking group focuses its efforts on assisting the technology teachers in a variety of areas. Students provide technical support for many school events and peer leader events, photograph the school events and create Tech Tip Tuesdays. MASH’ers create resources and activities around technology topics and the ever-changing tech world. Students should possess strong computer skills and a deep commitment to community service. |
ARROW- Artists Reunite Reinventing Our World The members involved in ARROW are a group of artistic people. Who have special talents in the world of arts. Each time we meet together we create beautiful treasures, we share our wild and creative ideas, and most of all we share special moments together. We tend to enjoy using our hands, making beautiful murals, and testing out new paints, and finding new artistic uses for everyday objects. ARROW will always be there to help the community by spreading our love for art. When it comes to school plays ARROW will be there to help with the set design and prop-making. Being in ARROW will show everyone that art brings people together and changes the way someone sees the world. Most of all, it shows anyone and everyone that they too are able to reinvent our world with art. |
PEN Peers Enriching News produce, The Millburn Penpoint (, MMS's online student newspaper. Future PEN peer leaders should have a nose for the news, searching for unheralded stories of locals making a difference, or issues that are underreported. PEN peer leaders will have to possess some (but not necessarily all of) important media skills, like crisp writing, photography, videography, and editing, and should also be willing to learn more about the roles of social media, publicizing, gathering data and mapping stories. We also manage the Peer Leader program’s Instagram account ( There are readers out there eager to read and watch what you serve up; PEN peer leaders have the scoop! |
WAVE Welcoming, Accepting, and Valuing Everyone — WAVE's mission is to advance diversity and inclusion by transforming our school and community into a welcoming and accepting environment where individuals are valued and empowered to reach their fullest potential. Students interested should have strong teamwork skills, a desire to see our school and community as an inclusive group, and have strong feelings for social justice and acceptance. WAVE was previously the BRAVE peer leader group. The difference is that WAVE peer leaders will now also help to welcome our new students to MMS. They will give tours and help new students to adjust to and feel welcome at MMS. WAVE peer leaders will help make MMS a more welcoming and accepting place by planning and presenting school wide events to make MMS a No Place for Hate school, welcoming our new students, and addressing any school issues that arise related to diversity and inclusion. They will focus on Ability, Cultural Diversity, Gender, Human Rights and Social Justice, Overcoming Discrimination/Prejudice/Stereotypes, and Race/Ethnicity issues within our school. |
WELL Wellness Enhances Living & Learning. We will focus on promoting wellness within our school community through student run projects and events. WELL peer leaders will support Millburn Middle School by helping students to improve their overall wellness. Improving our wellness practices will help us all to be more focused, productive, and happy. WELL will assist and help facilitate some of the Wellness Initiative activities in order to support their fellow peers in learning to better manage stress. They will act as Wellness Ambassadors by advertising and helping to plan Wellness events and initiatives. WELL will also help educate our community about mental health awareness. Most of these activities and meetings will take place during lunch periods or study hall. WELL peer leaders will also assist with community service projects with other peer leader groups and promotions for WELL, such as bake sales.. The goal of this group is to develop leadership skills in those who demonstrate an interest in helping their peers to achieve a balanced approach to school work and self-care. |
Please Note: CORE 7 is a group that is formed in 7th Grade by invitation only.
These students also are sometimes selected into one of the above specializations in 8th grade as well.
7th grade Peer Leadership Groups
P2P REACH-. P2P stands for ‘Peer to Peer.’ The P2P group reaches out to students and helps them protect themselves from the dangers of alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances. Peer leaders will teach this knowledge to the elementary students in our community, so as to mentor the younger generations on how best to avoid the pressure to become hooked.
SHOK 7 -Students Helping Other Kids is involved in working with special needs students in the following areas: socializing with students that have special needs, eating, playing, cooking, and demonstrating life skills with students that have special needs, and serving the MMS community in attending other large group peer leader activities.
TIGS-Teen Institute of the Garden State -their responsibilities include: Utilizing integral skills learned in 6th-grade leadership class, mediating conflicts that other students may be facing in or out of school, serving as MMS ambassadors for visitors and new students, mentoring peers and serving as role models in and out of class.